At Greystones Health, we have been providing leading natural gut health for over 12 years. As Naturopathic Doctors who focus on digestion, our treatments are designed to address the root cause of your digestive issues and offer lasting solutions for your digestive health.
Greystones Health are experts in addressing: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Acid Reflux and GERD, constipation, gastritis, Cohn’s and Colitis. Our unique Digestive Reboot plan has helped thousands of people feel better fast and heals their gut to prevent future problems. We use lab testing to get at the heart of your digestive problems and to know exactly how to help you.
Although the focus of this program is dietary and lifestyle changes, our naturopathic doctors can recommend supplements to help ease symptoms while your body is healing. Based on research and years of experience our herbal supplements unique and highly effective to ensure your success.
Digestive Reboot
In 2013 Dr. Joseph Steyr developed the Digestive Reboot, being inspired by classical naturopathic diets that have decades of success and blending in modern research such as the low FODMAP diet. However, Dr. Steyr used his Ecology training from his past career to fill in the missing gaps. Dr. Steyr realized all of the existing diet plans and recommendations had missed fundamental ecological principles, yet the gut is a living microbiome ecosystem. Over the years his Digestive Reboot plan has been improved and refined and has seen tremendous successful treated a variety of digestive health concerns.

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Our Success Story
Driven from a passion for natural health our co-founder Michelle Heighington started as a Holistic Nutritionist in 2005. She was jointed by Dr. Joseph Steyr in 2013 to form Greystones Health to offer Toronto top-rated natural health support.

Gold winners 4 years in a row (2021 to 2024) for naturopath
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
We are Toronto’s Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) experts. We have treated thousands of patients with great success. Over the years we have developed a plan we call the digestive reboot that rapidly stops the major problems of IBS such as bloating, flatulence (gas), cramping, pain, constipation and/or diarrhea. However, our plan is not just to stop the symptoms. We use a stool sample test to get at the heart of what is happening in your digestive system and work to get full resolution of your symptoms so you can go back to living a full life. We also offer the possibility for food intolerance testing.
Our protocol has three phases: phase one is to re-establish a healthy bacterial balance in your gut, phase two is to start to heal the digestive lining and prevent any leaky gut, and phase three grows resilience and stability so that over time you gain the freedom to eat the foods you love. Between the testing, the tried and true natural products that we use, and the dietary information including recipes and tips and tricks to make this as easy as possible, we have a great success rate. If you’re ready to get at the root cause and heal your gut it’s time to come in and talk to one of our naturopathic doctors for natural Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) treatment.
Acid Reflux
Acid reflux also called heart burn or formally gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the cause by stomach acid moving up into the esophagus where the cells are not acid protected and leads to the burning or heat sensation. Acid reflux can be associated with a weakend gastroesophageal sphincter that acts as a valve and fails to hold the food down in our stomach and lets it regurgitate into the esophagus.
Commonly Acid reflux is also associated with elevated stomach acid products. The most common type of medication is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that drastically reduces stomach acid production. However, there is a growing body of scientific research showing there are many long term problems associated with PPI and the USA FDA has issues
Warnings about for reduced absorption of vitamins and minerals leading to more loss of bone density associated with osteoporosis, increased risk of infection, and hypersensitivity response with consequent organ damage. Compared to the medication, there are variety of fast and effective herbs that stops the Acid reflux without blocking vitamin and mineral absorption. At the same time, counselling on healthy eating habits and diet changes leads to long term results with out the need for medication or even natural products.
Consult our naturopathic doctors for Acid Reflux Treatment in Toronto.
Food Intolerance
Food intolerance or food sensitivity is very common and often associated with other health concerns like digestive problems, joint pains, headaches, skin problems (Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis), ADHD, depression, anxiety or memory problems, and Asthma. Generally the food intolerance leads to inflammation in the body and that is why there is such a long list of associated health concerns. A food intolerance is an immune system problem but is linked to the IgG antibody (no histamine reaction) with a delayed hypersensitivity that comes out 24-72 hours after the food is eaten. A food intolerance should not be confused with a food allergy that has a rapid response and is linked to the IgE antibody with a histamine reaction. It’s important to know that people tested for allergies may still have unknown food intolerances. The test we use is a blood based test that is scienfically validated and we use one of Ontario’s largest lab (LifeLabs) which has the highest quality control. The Test covers 120 different food items and more can be added if needed.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease does not refer to just one particular disorder but actually covers a group of diseases that are characterized by the inflammation or reddening and swelling of the intestines. Two major types of IBD are Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). Crohn’s disease may occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, meaning it can affect your mouth, small or large intestines, and your anus. Ulcerative Colitis, on the other hand, is limited to the large intestine or the colon, and is more associated with blood seen in the toilet bowl. Both Crohn’s and UC can be very painful, especially having pain on passing a stool. IBD often has flare-ups and times of remission that can last years. IBD is considered to be an auto-immune problem and should not be confused with IBS which is less associated with the immune system. We start treatment by identifying problem foods with a blood based IgG food intolerance test (not an allergy test), then move onto reducing inflammation with natural anti-inflammatory herbs, and healing the intestinal lining with nutrition.
Candida is a fungus (Candida albicans) that is found in all human digestive tract as a single cell yeast. When in bacteria and yeast in our digestive system is in balance, Candida can help out with nutrient absorption and digestion. However, once there is an overproduction of candida, it can easily break down the intestine walls and release toxic by-products into the body, causing leaky gut and other health problems, mostly digestive issues. Candida is the yeast that leads to Thrush any many fungal problems over the body. Candida overgrowth can come from a few reason, antibiotic use which only kills bacteria and not yeast is a common cause, but diets high in refine sugars, and heavy metal exposure can also lead to Candida too. Some of the common symptoms associated with Candida are: Yeast problems which includes nail fungus, althetes foot, vaginal yeast infections; ringing in the ears, viritigo, and meniere’s disease; chronic nasal discharge and congestion; excess ear wax build up; and digestive problems such as bloating, excess gas, and chronic diarrhea. Treatment focuses on herbs to kill of the yeast, identify why the yeast first started to overgrow, then use a specific probiotic strain to push out the Candida, and finally we can change the diet to ensure the yeast doesn’t overgrow again.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is as its name suggests, a chronic infection caused by bacteria that have abnormally overgrown into the small intestine. SIBO can often look very similar Candida but is more often associated with chronic constipation, plus it improves with antibiotic use. The symptoms of SIBO are more often localized to the digestive tract but the overgrowth of bacteria can interfere with the absorption of nutrients leading to nutrient deficiency and wide variety of symptoms. Often there is chronic fatigue and memory problems, and similar to Candida there is a lot of bloating and gas (flatulence). Treatment needs to start with herbs to kill off the bacterial overgrow, idenfity why the bacteria first started to overgrow, and only later should probiotics be used to re-establish bacterial balance.
Constipation is the uncomfortable condition wherein one experiences difficulty in emptying the bowels. It is commonly caused by the stool moving slower than normal through the colon. Being constipated usually means having two or more days with no bowel movement, or having fewer than three bowel movements per week. Aside from fewer bowel movements, symptoms include abdominal pain and swelling, hard or small stools, hemorrhoids, and blood with the stool. Constipation can be related to stress, bacteria overgrowth in the small intestines, lack of water intake, and lack of healthy oils. Treatment focuses on why the constipation started and establishing healthy diet changes.
Chronic Loose Stools or Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a problem that affects everyone at some point. However when chronic loose stools occur, it poses a more serious concern. Chronic diarrhea is a daily occurrence that usually lasts for about four weeks. It is usually caused by intestinal parasitical infection, yeast or bacterial over growth, though sometimes due to an excess of a certain substance in the diet. Frequent loose stools increase risk of getting dehydrated as sufferer passes a large volume of fluids. Treatment starts by changing the diet to ensure stools start to quickly become formed and then we identify the why the problem started.
Indigestion is the general term used to describe symptoms that are experienced during or after a meal, including uncomfortable feeling of fullness and a burning pain in the upper abdomen, among others. It may be caused by conditions like peptic ulcer, pancreatic abnormality, GERD, hormal changes or even pain. Indigestion is almost always a sign of other health concerns and it is important to take a broad look at the person’s health history.