Greystones Health
Discover 3 REAL Reasons For IBS (…and a better way to deal with it!)
Get access: easy to implement strategies to fight IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
We are Toronto’s IBS experts. We have treated hundreds of patients with great success. Over the years we have developed a protocol we call the digestive reboot that rapidly stops the major problems of IBS such as bloating, flatulence (gas), cramping, pain, constipation and/or diarrhea. However, our protocol is not just to stop the symptoms. We use a stool sample test to get at the heart of what is happening in your digestive system and work to get full resolution of your symptoms so you can go back to living a full life. We also offer the possibility for food intolerance testing.
About The Greystones Health Team
We’re a team of Naturopathic Doctors, Holistic Nutritionist and Creators of the Digestive Reboot Protocol for IBS. We help those suffering from IBS transform their heath naturally. We take them from a place of bloating, gas, pain, constipation & diarrhea to resolution & digestive freedom!